The Orbital Widget Toolkit

by Florian Blasius, with contributions from the Rust Community
annotated and documented by Ralf Zerres and all contributers

This version of the text assumes you’re using OrbTk v0.3.1 or later in conjuction with Rust v1.41.0 or later. Cargo.toml should define edition="2018". That enables and uses Rust 2018 Edition idioms in all derived projects.

See the “Installation” section of Chapter 1 to install or update OrbTk.

The 2020 Edition of this book is the initial release. It will be released with the OrbTk version 0.3.1.

  • Appendix A “Keywords”, explains the new raw identifiers.
  • Appendix D “Translations”, is work in progress. We will release instances of this book in the target language once they are translated.

For online reading, a HTML rendered version is available at Orbtk book_en. Alternatively you might want to have it handy for offline usage. Either you downlaod a rendered pdf or ebookversion or go ahead and download the source. Then kick on mdbook (the definition of the target location is optional).

mdbook build --dest-dir doc/book_en --open


This book fully embraces the potential of Rust for develpers creating modern, fast and extendable user interfaces. Since all component of OrbTk are coded in Rust itself, it inherits all the benefits of this extraorenary programming infrastructure. The minimalistic resource consumption, memory safety and a condensed, well structured modular source code are key factors that makes OrbTk a promising basis for your future multiplatform GUI projects.

Back in the 80’th runtime environments like Java pioniered the idea of a “programming once, run everywhere” toolchain. Rust in combination with OrbTk offers the opportunity to fullfill this goal while providing speed, safety and multithreading. You are free to lavarage the capabilities of modern hardware: Take advantage of multicore CPUs in microcomputers, single board computers or the diversity of cloud infrastructures. Rust let you compile native binary-code and OrbTk will offer the needed crates, to produce software that matches user demands: running fast, secure and reliable applications.

Its users will enjoy the friendly and approachable text, that is intended to help you level up not just your knowledge towards GUI development, but will also improve your understanding of Rust code. Dive in, get ready to be a member of the OrbTk and Rust community!

— Ralf Zerres


Welcome to The Orbital Widget Toolkit, an introductory book about OrbTk. The Rust programming language helps you write faster and reliable software. OrbTk contribute the needed crates, to develop modern graphical user interfaces. It offers a single code base that compiles to native binary code that is executed on your target platform.

Warning: This book is incomplete. Documenting everything and rewriting outdated parts take a while. See the issue tracker to check what’s missing or outdated. If there are any mistakes or ideas that haven’t been reported, feel free to open a new issue there.


  • Modern lightweight API
  • Cross platform
  • Modular crates
  • Based on Entity Component System library DCES
  • Flexible event system
  • Integrated widget library
  • Custom widgets
  • Custom theming engine
  • Dynamic theme switching
  • Integrated debugging tools
  • Localization

Supported Platforms

  • Redox OS (native)
  • Linux (native | cargo-node)
  • macOS (native | cargo-node)
  • Windows (native | cargo-node)
  • openBSD (not tested, but should work)
  • Web (cargo-node)
  • Android (native planned | cargo-node)
  • iOS (native planned | cargo-node planned)
  • Ubuntu Touch (native planned | cargo-node planned)

Who OrbTk Is For

OrbTk is ideal for programmers that like to take advantage of the Rust programming language. No need to transform data structures and types: OrbTk itself is coded in Rust. It naturally adopts all the structural advantages and provides the needed GUI elements to code your application. Let’s look at a few of the most important groups.

Teams of Developers

Rust is proving to be a productive tool for collaborating among large teams of developers with varying levels of systems programming knowledge. Have a look at the Rust book that elaborates the fundamental principles that enables you to produce more secure code.

OrbTk reuses the Rust toolchain as much as possible. Contemporary developer that have passed the learning curve will take advantage of:

  • Cargo, the included dependency manager and build tool, makes adding, compiling, and managing dependencies painless and consistent across the Rust ecosystem.
  • Rustfmt ensures a consistent coding style across developers.
  • The Rust Language Server powers Integrated Development Environment (IDE) integration for code completion and inline error messages.


Rust is for students and those who are interested in learning about systems concepts. Using Rust, many people have learned about topics like operating systems development. The community is very welcoming and happy to answer student questions. Through efforts such as this book, the Rust teams want to make systems concepts more accessible to more people, especially those new to programming.


Hundreds of companies, large and small, use Rust in production for a variety of tasks. Those tasks include command line tools, web services, DevOps tooling, embedded devices, audio and video analysis and transcoding, cryptocurrencies, bioinformatics, search engines, Internet of Things applications, machine learning, and even major parts of the Firefox web browser.

Open Source Developers

OrbTk is for people who want to build with the Rust programming language, its community, its developer tools, and libraries. We’d love to have you contribute to its crates and entities.

Who This Book Is For

This book assumes that you’ve written code in another programming language and other GUI toolkits. We do not make any assumptions about which specific one. We’ve tried to make the material broadly accessible to those from a wide variety of development backgrounds. We don’t spend a lot of time talking about what programming is or how to think about it. If you’re entirely new to programming, you would be better served by reading a book that specifically provides an introduction to programming.

How to Use This Book

In general, this book assumes that you’re reading it in sequence from front to back. Later chapters build on concepts in earlier chapters, and earlier chapters might not delve into details on a topic; we typically revisit the topic in a later chapter.

You’ll find two kinds of chapters in this book: concept chapters and project chapters. In concept chapters, you’ll learn about an aspect of OrbTk. In project chapters, we’ll build small programs together, applying what you’ve learned so far.

Chapter 1 explains how to install Rust and OrbTk, how to write a minimal program, and how to use Cargo, Rust’s package manager and build tool.

Finally, some appendixes contain useful information about the in a more reference-like format. Appendix A covers OrbTk’s keywords, Appendix B covers OrbTk’s derivable traits and crates.

There is no wrong way to read this book: if you want to skip ahead, go for it! You might have to jump back to earlier chapters if you experience any confusion. But do whatever works for you.

An important part of the process of learning OrbTk is learning how to read the error messages the compiler displays: these will guide you toward working code. As such, we’ll provide many examples that don’t compile along with the error message the compiler will show you in each situation. Know that if you enter and run a random example, it may not compile! Make sure you read the surrounding text to see whether the example you’re trying to run is meant to error. Ferris will also help you distinguish code that isn’t meant to work:

This code does not compile!
This code panics!
This code block contains unsafe code.
This code does not produce the desired behavior.

In most situations, we’ll lead you to the correct version of any code that doesn’t compile.

Source Code

The source files from which this book is generated can be found on the Homepage at Orbtk book (en).

Getting Started

Let’s start your OrbTk journey! There’s a lot to learn, but every journey starts somewhere. In this chapter, we’ll discuss:

  • Installing OrbTk on Linux, Bsd, macOS, and Windows.
  • Writing a basic OrtTK application that opens a windows placing Hello OrbTk! in its center.
  • Using cargo, Rust’s package manager and build system.


The first step is to install Rust. This is described in depth following Rust book Chapter 1

When creating a OrbTk application, we define the needed dependencies to the OrbTk crates in the Cargo.toml file of our project. The complile process will resolve the references and download the source as needed.

Command Line Notation

In this chapter and throughout the book, we’ll show some commands used in the terminal. Lines that you should enter in a terminal all start with $. You don’t need to type in the $ character; it indicates the start of each command. Lines that don’t start with $ typically show the output of the previous command. Additionally, PowerShell-specific examples will use > rather than $.


WIP: What are the most common culprits? Can we provide some general, basic solutions

Local Documentation

OrbTk offers the option to install its documentation locally, so you can read it offline.

Any time a type, a function, a method or a crate is reference by the toolkit and you’re not sure what it does or how to use it, have a look at its application programming interface API documentation to find out!

Install Rust on Linux or macOS

If you are using Linux or macOS open up an terminal and copy and paste the text below and hit the enter key on your keyboard:

curl -sSf | sh

Install Rust on Windows

Download and run the Rust windows installer from

Install Redoxer (Redox OS)

If you want build and run your Rust application on a KVM capable OS for Redox you can use redoxer.

To install Redoxer you have to first install the rust toolchain. After that open up an terminal and copy and paste the text below and hit the enter key on your keyboard:

cargo +nightly install redoxer

To compile and run your application on Redox OS you should check the Redox OS Book.

Editor and IDE integration

A wide range of editors and IDE’s are providing support for Rust code like

  • like syntax-highlighting
  • auto-completion
  • linting
  • lsp support

VS Code

There is a big community that rely on the visualstudio implementation to handle their code base. Following are the steps needed to expand your installation to support VS Code for Rust development:

  1. Download VS Code from.
  2. Install Rust Language Server plugin (the Rust Language Server).

Alternative Editors and IDEs

If you perefer other solution, you will find in depth help inside the context of this inclomplete links:

Hello OrbTk!

Now that you’ve installed the needed building blocks, let’s write your first OrbTk program. It’s traditional when learning a new language to write a little program that outputs the text Hello, world!. So we’ll do the same here. We create a minimal app, that creates a window, position this window at the given coordinate of your screen. The text will be placed in the center of this widget.

Note: This book assumes basic familiarity with the command line. Rust makes no specific demands about your editing or tooling or where your code lives, so if you prefer to use an integrated development environment (IDE) instead of the command line, feel free to use your favorite IDE. Many IDEs now have some degree of Rust support; check the IDEs documentation for details. Recently, the Rust team has been focusing on enabling great IDE support, and progress has been made rapidly on that front!

Creating a Project Directory

You’ll start by making a directory to store your OrbTk code. It doesn’t matter to Rust and OrbTk where your code lives, but for the exercises and projects in this book, we suggest making a projects directory in your home directory and keeping all your projects there.

Open a terminal and enter the following commands to make up the projects structure.

For Linux, BSD, macOS, and Power-Shell on Windows:

$ mkdir -p ~/orbtk-book/projects
$ cd ~/orbtk/projects

For Windows CMD:

> mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\orbtk-book"
> cd /d "%USERPROFILE%\orbtk-book"
> mkdir projects
> cd projects

Writing and Running a OrbTk Application

Next, we make a new project using Cargo. With its .toml file we allow Rust to declare the various dependencies and metadata. That ensures that you’ll always get a repeatable output of the build.

Go ahead like so:

$ cargo new orbtk_hello
$ cd orbtk_hello

The first command, cargo new, takes the name of the project (“orbtk_hello”) as the first argument. The second command changes to the new project’s directory.

Look at the generated Cargo.toml file:

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "orbtk_hello_example"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at


Listing 1-1: Default metadata “orbtk_hello”

With cargo new, a default project structure is created. Maybe the author information is already exchanged if Cargo could obtain a definition from your environment. Cargo also generated source code for a “Hello, world!” program. Let’s Check out the corresponding src/ file:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Listing 1-2: Default source file “”

No need to compile that stage with cargo run, since we are going to exchange the project metadata, as well as the orbtk source code right away.

Update Cargo.toml

First reopen the Cargo.toml file and enter the Code in Listing 1-1 into Cargo.toml

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "orbtk_hello"
version = "0.3.1-alpha4"
authors = [
	"Florian Blasius <>",
	"Ralf Zerres <>",
description = "The Orbital Widget Toolkit - Training project"
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
license = "MIT"
keywords = [
edition = "2018"

opt-level = 1

orbtk = { git = "", branch = "develop" }
#orbtk = { path = "../../../orbtk", branch="next" }

name = "orbtk_hello"
path = "src/"

Listing 1-1: Project metadata “orbtk_hello”

You may wonder, why the name property inside the Cargo.toml is formatted like hello_orbtk.

name = "orbtk_hello"

It is a good habit to follow rusts naming convention, that encourages you to use snake_case naming. While expanding the OrbTk example sources, we will keep the grouping prefix orbtk. That way we end up to call our first target binary orbtk_hello.


All of the OrbTk specific code that is needed to build our first example “Hello OrbTk!” is shown in Listing 1-2. It goes to src/

Filename: src/

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

Listing 1-2: Code that creates a Window and prints “Hey OrbTk!”

Save the file and go back to your terminal window. Enter the following commands to compile and run the file:

$ cargo run --release orbtk_hello

Note: Perhaps the OS requires you to install the development version of SDL2 via the distribution package-manager (e.g. for Ubuntu: libsdl2-dev).

Regardless of your operating system, a window should be placed on the screen that prints the string Hey OrbTk! in its center.

Image 1-2: Application window and Hey OrbTk

If something is preventing to position the window, refer back to the “Troubleshooting” part of the Installation section for ways to get help.

If your enjoy the rendered output of your Hey OrbTk! app, congratulations! You’ve written your first OrbTk application. That makes you a OrbTk programmer — welcome!

Anatomy of an OrbTk Application

Let’s have a closer look at the code structure of this first “Hey OrbTk!” application.

For now it should be sufficient to disenchant the first puzzle pieces. If you like to understand the structure in a more generic way, in Chapter Workspace we are going to provide the details.

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

The first line is introducing a use declaration. A use declaration is used to shorten the path required to refer to rust module items. The prelude is a convenient way to a list of things, that rust will automatically import to you program. Here, we bind the path orbtk::prelude. All default items defined in this path (referenced with ::) are now accessible in your source using their shorthand name. No need to type in their common prefix (orbtk::prelude::)

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

the third line define a function in Rust. The main function is special: it is always the first code that runs in every executable Rust program. The first line declares a function named main that has no parameters and returns nothing. If there were parameters, they would go inside the parentheses, ().

Also, note that the function body is wrapped in curly brackets, {}. Rust requires these around all function bodies. It’s good style to place the opening curly bracket on the same line as the function declaration, adding one space in between.

An automatic formatter tool called rustfmt will help you to stick to a standard style across Rust projects. OrbTk is following this guidance. rustfmt will format your code in a particular style. Depending on the version of your rust toolchain, it is probably already installed on your computer! Check the online documentation for more details.

Inside the main function is the following code:

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

Here are some important details to notice.

  • First, Rust style is to indent with four spaces, not a tab.
  • Second, the method orbkt::initialize does all the hard work to initialize the orbtk environment.
use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")
  • Third, the method Application::new creates a new entity in the entity component system (DECS). DECS is an OrbTk dependency that will create and organize all OrbTk entities. If OrbTk methods change attributes to the widget elements, the corresponding DECS object will store this attributes as components to the given entity.

We’ll discuss OrbTk macros and methods in more detail in Chapter <WIP: chapter>. For now, you just need to know that using a ::new() means that you’re calling the creation method of a given widget (here: Application).

Let’s explain the next lines:

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

Inside the Application method, we pipe in further instructions. Please notice the important details:

  • First, Rust style is to indent with another four spaces, not a tab.
  • Second, The piping is encoded using a dot followed by a new method name (here window).
  • Third, the windows method takes a Rust closure as its argument.

If you are not familiar with the concept of closures, go ahead and consult the Rust book reference for a deep dive. For now, you just need to know that a closure can be used as a language shortcut for a function. When the closure |ctx| {} is executed, the result will be captured inside a return variable (ctx). The curly braces define the body, with the code that is executed inside the closure.

Let’s examine this body code of our closure:

  • First, we call a method to create a new window entity. (Windows::new).
  • Second, we define attributes attached to this entity (title, position, size).
  • Third, inside the defined windows, we create a new child entity (child).
use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")
  • Forth, the child method takes arguments. We create a new text block entity (Textblock::new). The text block is extended with the attributes (text, h_align, v_align). The text attribute takes the desired string. Its positioning is controlled with the attribution of the horizontal and vertical alignment. By choosing “center”, we do advise the renderer to place the entity centered within its parent entity, which is the window.
use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

OrbTk is as lazy as possible. We need to call the build method (build(ctx)), that will instantiate our methods and let the renderer do its work.

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

With the last statement, we finally call the method that will activate the Application and draw the Widget on our screen (run).

Most lines of Rust code are finalized with a semicolon (;), to indicates that this expression is finished and the next one is ready to begin.

Compiling and Running Are Separate Steps

Before running an OrbTk application, you must compile its source code. A typical OrbTk project will generate the executable binary code using cargo and place the result in the target subfolder of the project.

Profiles may be used to configure compiler options such as optimization levels and debug settings. By default the dev or test profiles are used. If the --release flag is given, then the release or bench profiles are used.

$ cargo build --release --bin
$ ../target/release/hello_orbtk

On Windows, you need to use backslash as a path delimiter:

> cargo build --release --bin
> ..\target\release\orbtk_hello.exe

If you like to get debug feedback you can call the build process like this

$ cargo build --features debug --bin

The Ingredients

OrbTk provides an interactive functional reactive API. It depends on the rust DCES crate, that provides an Entity Component System. Interaction with DCES is managed via the Entity Component Manager(ECM), a wrapper API, that transparently maps OrbTk widgets to ECM entities and OrbTk properties to ECM components.

Widget view

graph TD;

Workflow 1-1: View handling methods

When you construct an OrbTk application, you do essentially combine widgets. Widgets are the building blocks of user interfaces in OrbTk. They are declarative, which means they define the structure of an entity with associated components (its properties). Widgets are dedicated to a specific task and should provide all needed visual components inside your app that offers the ordered user interface (the widget-tree). Each widget-tree is stacked into a uniquely addressable widget-container.

Re-usability is a major demand in that area. To implement a useful UI element it is convenient to simple make up a tree of already available widgets that may consume any number of core widgets.

The given model is dynamically structured which offers you freedom:

  • consume any number of predefined library offered widgets type
  • implement your own, new, sophisticated widget type

Just to illustrate a simple case, where you need an FontIconBlock in your app. To make up such a widget-tree, you either construct a new widget MyFontsIconBlock, that instantiates a child Container, that itself instantiates a TextBox an a Button child. Or as an easy alternative, you take advantage of the library offered version FontIconBlock.

You will find the source code of available library widgets inside workspace orbtk_widgets.

Widget trait

Each widget need to implement the Widget trait. It is generated by the widget!() macro.

A widget consists of a name (eg. Button) that is bound to a list of properties (eg. text: String, background: Brush or count: u32). When the build() method of a widget is called inside the widget-tree, that widget is added to the Entity Component System with a unique Entity (index) that holds corresponding Components (property names). The struct of the widget-container serves as its builder pattern.

Widget Template

Each widget has to implement the Template trait. The template defines the default values of all assigned widget’s properties as well as its structure. E.g. a Button consists of a Container widget, a StackPanel widget and a TextBox widget.

Separating the view as the descriptive nature of a widget tree from the code that reacts and handles user input (it’s state), is an essential conceptual decision. It is key to enable the fast, flexible and extendable structure of OrbTk.

Widget state

graph TD;

Workflow 1-2: State handling methods

Widgets make use of traits, that come in handy to provide interactivity. We call them the widget state. Inside the state routines, we declare the processing and controlling code dedicated to a given task.

It is not required to define a state for a widget. But if you don’t, you cut of the possibility to adapt properties during runtime. The view of the widget will stay static.

When defining a state of a widget, it inherits the values of its associated properties (current values), as well as the implemented system. To gain access, each state has to derive or implement the Default and the AsAny traits. You are free to implement associated functions to the state, that react on triggered events or adapt current values. The properties are stored via ECM. They are organized in a tree (parent, children or level entities).


While widgets define and organize the data structure of an OrbTk app, systems take care to handle the behavior on how to manipulate the data.

  • Layouts
  • Events
  • Behaviors
  • Messages


Layouts are addressing the problem, that each widget inside the UI needs individual placement. This requires a dynamic calculation of its space requirements coupled with is target specific positioning when interacting with the display device.

Why do we need layouts?

Well, lets take an obvious example that meets every modern application: You have to support multiple language variants! Changing the selected localization should be possible at runtime. We do expect, that each needed idiom inside our application will for sure differ in their label length, as well as the sizes of used glyphs in the selected fonts. What would happen, if we would size the entities statically? We would code e.g a button with a given size. How to react on content changes of its child entity (e.g. a label that is expected to be centered inside the button frame)?

Pugh, you as the programmer would need to adapt the GUI views for every supported language and react on pragmatically on any of this size changes. A nightmare! This is nonsense. We have to define and render the stuff the other way around!

Our solution

OrbTk uses a layout system. This system support the ability to determine the natural size of the content elements. It allows a dynamic approach to layout all entities inside the toolkit. No matter if the application logic requires to add or subdivide other entities inside the widget tree. Or if contents is changed through theme adaption or user interaction: all involved entities are processed and resized as needed, respecting their individual constraints.

Constraints are defined via entity properties that are stored as components inside the DCES. The concept follows a two phase model. It will process the entity tree in two passes:

  • Measuring pass
  • Arrangement pass

This is the reason, we call it a functional_reactive Toolkit.


The Measuring pass allows us to determine the desired size of a boxed entity. A desired size is a structure, that holds the maximum values for the width and height of the entity in question. This values are stored inside DCES. If computation recognizes a size change of the desired size, which means the stored and the current value of its property differs, the dirty flag is set. The measuring will result in an update of the associated bound values inside the DECS entity (structure desired size).


The Arrangement is following in a separate run. It will trigger the 2D rendering task. This task walks down the element tree and consume the bounds of each entry. A bound describes the finalized alignment position of an entity (height, width) and is stored inside the DCES. Computation tasks are only triggered, if the values of a tree element have changed, which will be indicated via the dirty flag. All referenced elements that are affected by this changed values need to be rearranged. Their positions are recomputed with the appropriate values inside the render buffer, since the active state was marked dirty.

After the arrangement pass, the dirty flag is cleaned, which will omit any further computational needs. Once the state of an entity is marked as dirty again, the pass runs are triggered as desired.

Layout Methods

OrbTk supports a number of dedicated layout methods, that are designed to handle the specific demands of a given widget type:

  • Absolute
  • Fixed size
  • Grid
  • Padding
  • Popup
  • Stack

You can find the relevant code inside the orbtk_core workspace. The methods are inside the sub-directory layout. Further information towards this methods are discussed in Chapter: Orbtk_core.


  • bottom-up

If the events traverse from a leaf entity up to the root entity.

  • top-down

If the events traverse from the root entity down to the leaf entities.


Specialized event handling methods are available to reacts on signals. These currently include the event classes

  • Mouse behaviors
  • Selection behaviors
  • Text behaviors

Signals may be fired from ether input devices (e.g. mouse, keyboard) or inside the functional logic (e.g. changing focus, text, etc).


An intelligent messaging infrastructure that instantiates subs. The concept enables the toolkit to send and receive messages between the linked entities (m senders -> n receivers). The implemented methods are thread save.

Each widget may implement a message Method in its state code. The devoloper is free which method adapters he/she likes to incorpoerate and how to process the encountered messages.

Framework Elements

The elements are organised as sub-modules inside the API sub-tree.

OrbTk workspace structure

While developing OrbTk, we try to take care of some basic principles

  • modularity
  • extensibility
  • multiplatfom awareness

Within the Rust ecosystem, workspaces are a natural way to distinct code blocks, that define a logical entity. That allow you to split one big crate into multiple smaller ones. Beside the ordering factor this code-splitting is great for avoiding repetitive compilation of the code, because only crates with changes have to be recompiled. The result may reduce the compile time by an order of magnitude. Obviously OrbTk is using such a structure.

We do provide to following workspaces:

  • orbtk
  • orbtk_core
  • orbtk_orbclient
  • orbtk_tinyskia
  • orbtk_widgets
  • proc_macros
  • utils

The components and relations within the code base will be discussed step by step in the following chapters.

Workspace OrbTk

This workspace is the entry point into the framework code. If you are familiar with Rust code, we are following best practice.

Lets have a quick look at the src sub-directory. As usual you will find a source file.

Obviously here the code starts to define the crates type “lib”. The next lines define an outer documentation block, which serves as a short introduction. Outer documentation lines are encoded with two slashes followed by an exclamation mark (//!).

A very strong feature of the Rust toolchain is the availability of an inline documentation subsystem. We do use this feature extensively within OrbTk, to document every public accessible code module, public functions, structure or enumeration. Inner documentation blocks conventionally start with three slashes (///).

To render the documentation lines, a simple

cargo doc

will generate the online documentation, corresponding to the downloaded release version. We will timely upload negotiated versions to

Back to our structure. To keep the code tight and clear, Rust supports the concept of modules. Like in most other higher programming languages this allows to subdivide your code into related, condense function blocks. This resolves to increased clarity and readability. To put the needed modules or crates into scope, take advantage of the use statement.

Both principles helps quite a bit to keep a lean structure beside a nice developer experience. Ease of use is one main goal, so we prepare prelude modules, that will take care to present the most needed peaces accessible in your code. Using short and pregnant descriptors should be enough to consume the offered OrbTk modules and functions in your code.

Workspace orbtk_core


The application crate provides the base api inside an OrbTk application. Its elements are consumed via dedicated modules organized in the other sub-crates.

The ContextProvider

This structure is a temporary solution to share dependencies inside an OrbTk application. Right now, if the app is started, a new ContextProvider object is created. The interconnection between sender and receiver are handled using asynchronous channels with sender/receiver halves (mpsc).

  • window_sender A WindowRequest is used to send the given request to the named window.

  • shell_sender A ShellRequest is used to send the given request to the application shell. The application shell is aware of the handled windows. They are differenciated via individual WindowAdapter objects.

In the given version this module isn’t thread save. It will be refactored in the next upcoming release.

The WindowAdapter

Each WindowAdapter handles its unique tree, event pipiline and shell. They are dynamically stored in the undelying DCES via ECM methods.

The shell will react on UI events. The code for dedicated events are organized in explicit modules that will trigger their handlers:

  • activation events
  • clipboard updates
  • drop events
  • focus events
  • key events
  • mouse events
  • text input events
  • window resize events
  • window scroll events
  • window system events (like quit)

The EventAdapter provides a thread safe way to push events to the widget tree of a window.

The Overlay widget

The Overlay widget allows the handling of children at the top of the tree. Thus its children will be presented on top of all other widgets grouped in the widget-tree.


A layout is used to dynamically order the children of a widget. Before we can arrange the components on screen, their sizes, bounds and constraints have to be measured. The ordering process will result in a parent / child relation (tree), that is represented and handled in the ECM. In a next step, the tree components are arranged. The result is rendered into an output buffer (view). Last not least the updated areas are signaled to the output screen.

Note: New rendering of a widget will only occur, if any of its child entities is marked dirty.

To measure components, the code will provide suitable defaults for each property as well as a desired_size. The desired_size will resolve the height and width property of the child element. This values can either be overwritten with an explicit component property inside rusts view-code of your app, or while referencing to definitions using a style property. Please take into account, that a given style definition will take precedence over all explicitly defined property elements inside the code. OrbTk will not respect a mixture of both declarations.

The absolute placement

Only components with a visibility property that is labeled with a Collapsed or Visible option will be taken into account, when calculating bounds and constraints of a child. The resulting bounds are points, with absolute x and y positions on the screen (floating point values).

The fixed size

A fixed sized layout is defined by fixed bounds for its child. Think of images that have to be rendered with a given size, or a minimum size of a text box.

Grid layout

The grid layout is a specialized case of the default alignment layout. If you declare rows and columns, the child blocks are calculated suming up each individual block bounds inside the corresponding row or column.

You may stretch the blocks to the choosen dimension (horizontal vs. vertical). As a result, if you resize the window of the running app, that grid element will consume the extra size available because of your interactive change. Vice versa, the elements will shrink down until the grid child will reach the defined minimum bound.

Padding layout

Padding may be needed, as a property of a broad range of components. The measurement cycle will calculate the padding value (a floating point value) as a constraint that is added to the space requirements of the associated content component. You may think of the padding as a surrounding with a given thickness, that is placed arround your content.

The following image visualizes the dependencies.

Image 2-2: Layout constraints

The popup layout is a specialized case of the default alignment layout. A popup is typically needed to render content, that is related to a given target widget. That includes the position of the popup itself, as well as its dynamic created content.

You can find a common use case of a popup if you study the OrbTk code of a list box. The list box elements are collected in a stack widget. The stack itself is placed in a popup widget. And the popup widget is placed right below the text block that offers a drop-down selection arrow.

Stack layout

The stack layout is a specialized case of the default alignment layout. A stack offers a use case, where you want to place other widgets in a congruent horizontal or vertical order. You may define a spacing property. This given floating point value is used as a seperator between each stack member.


Localization is a research task by itself, if you want to resolve all syntactic rules that are found when writing prose in different languages. OrbTk’s localization crate isn’t ready to resolve all this complexity, but this may improve in further releases.

Starting with the given implementation, localization can offer methods, that are able to match and replace text strings. The usage of the localization crate is optional. If you don’t need any multi lingual adaptions inside your widgets, simply do not include the localization sugar.

The building blocks of localization

If you want to enable the users to select and change the desired display language of the GUI at runtime, the toolkit needs to match up a requested text strings (the key) that should be presented inside the view and substitute it with the corresponding translation string (the target value). Dictionaries are used to organize the keys as word lists.

OrbTk’s localization implementation has choosen to persitently store the translation strings inside a RON file. When introducing the new syntax structure used inside a RON filetype, it was one goal of the authors to easily match rust types to ron types. That is exactly the development goal from the RON authors:

“RON is a simple readable data serialization format that looks similar to Rust syntax. It’s designed to support all of Serde’s data model, so structs, enums, tuples, arrays, generic maps, and primitive values.”

You can save each supported language in its individual ron file. The language files need to be distinctable. A natural way to implement this requirement is the usage of unique language ids. Most *operating systems take advantage of a locale subsystem, and save the identification of the active language in the lang enviroment variable. It’s good practice to include the language id in the corresponding ron file name.

When you include the localization functionality in your OrbTk code, you should define constants for each supported language id, that will reference the ron file in question.

When calling the RonLocalization methods addressing the combination of a language id and the corresponding dictionary you are able to store the result in language variable. The crate methods will handle all the heavy lifting to substitute the source values of the text attributes inside the views with their matching translation strings in the addressed dictionary.

The ron file structure

In OrbTk, the structure RonLocalizationBuilder is defined to take values for the following parameters

  • language: a String
  • dictionaries: a HashMap

The ron filename representing a language localization should include the language identifier to ease its distiction from another.

Dictionaries itself are stored The dictionary is represended by a key value pair

A class Dictionary will include a map named words. The ron type map is like a type struct, but keys are also values instead of just beenig identifiers.

  • using a ron file

Activation of the localization crate inside your source code boils down to this short example code.

static LOCALIZATION_ES_ES: &str = include_str!("../assets/localization/dictionary_es_ES.ron");

We do define two language identifiers:

  • _de_de: referencing a ron file with german translation strings
  • _es_es: referencing a ron file with spanish translation strings

When creating the Application block, we do pipe in the localization property. To keep this example simple, a hardcoded de_DE is choosen. The showcase example inside the orbtk source code implements a tab widget, that offers a dropdown list, to dynamically change the active language variant.

    let es_es = RonLocalization::create()
        .dictionary("es_ES", LOCALIZATION_ES_ES)
    /* disabled german translation file
     * let _de_de = RonLocalization::create()
     *    .language("de_DE")
     *    .dictionary("de_DE", LOCALIZATION_DE_DE)
     *    .build();

To compile this example code, go ahead and enter the following comand in your terminal window:

$ cargo run --release orbtk_localization

Your screen should present an application window showing the translated spanish strings.

Image 2-2: Application window with spanish localization strings

Sure, this code isn’t elegant nor will it suite the real application demands. What it does show is the logic, to bind a ron file (storing the translations of a given language) to a const. When calling RonLocalization, the text method will resolve text attributes inside a view or any rust primitive with the translation text resolved in the language dictionary.


Every entity that is managed via the provided ECM methods (in most cases this will be widgets) will have associated components. If we are talking about components inside the toolkit, we name them properties of a given object.


Our aim is a dynamic ordering of objects inside the render buffer. This ordering needs to respect the specific properties of each object making up the object tree. All properties declared for the addressed objects will sum up the constraints that need to be respected within their layout.

Logical units of properties ease the measurement and assignment process of the given object tree.


Inside OrbTk the BlockBuilder method handles a block. A block is a term that defines an object inside the render surface. A legacy form of the API was using the idiom row or column to define the position of a block inside a grid widget. We moved on to use blocks as a generic term that can be used in all widgets. Blocks will inherit default properties:

  • a block size
  • its minumum size
  • its maximum size
  • its current size

If we measure a block size, we can choose from an enumeration of valid expressions:

  • Auto: The largest child will be used to measure the block size.
  • Stretch: The block will be expanded and consume all of the available size.
  • Size: An explicit floading point value.


To describe the vertical and horizontal scroll behavior of a widget, we do make use of the ScrollViewerMode. The ScrollViewerMode will evaluate a valid enumeration value of the ScrollMode. Per default it will automatically assign the Auto value. That will take care that the layout logic is able to automatically adjust and manage scroll movements of associated widget elements (e.g. in ListViews, SelectionViews or TextBoxes).

You may want to handle this scroll movements via your own dedicated code. Just adapt the mode property horizontal and vertical to your needs and select ScrollMode::Custom. To completely disable any scrolling logic select ScrollMode::Disabled.



To offer natural interactivity with the implemented UI, we should respect workflow standards. E.g a user is expecting the cursor and the possibility to change a widget element at the next logical position. Imagine a form, where the UI offers a layout to enter some address fields. When you activate such a form, you do expect the cursor position on the first element of the form. Thus, we need the concept of a Focus that enable the state logic to preset UI interaction onto a specified element. The FocusState offers methods to control the state information of widget elements:

  • Request the focus for an entity.
  • Remove the focus from an entity.
  • Reference the current focused entity.
  • Check the focus state of an entity.

The keyboard state tracks which keys are currently pressed. The active state is stored in a lazy-loaded HashMap.

Beside common key activities, you may need to react on generic modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Hyper, Shift). Helper functions offer several convenience methods to handle such keyboard events. A generic method comes in handy, if you don’t care which modifier key is down (Shift-left or Shift-right => Shift). The example section will also tackle the case, where a combined event (Ctrl+S) keyboard state is handled.

Render Objects





The Widget base

Workspace orbtk_client

WIP: The OrbTk GUI client modules

Workspace orbtk_tinyskia

Rendering is a key component of the toolkit. Everybody is expecting state of the art presentation of implemented widgets. User interaction that will result in layout and entity changes inside the GUI should be updated as soon as possible. A comfortable user experience is mainly influenced by fast rendering tasks. New rendering of layouts should only take place, if constraint changes will need to do so. Entities and their attributes will only require new rendering if a user interaction changes their state to be dirty.

Lets summarize the main goals of OrbTk rendering infrastructure:

  • API encapsulated access to all renderer functions

    This design decision is taken to keep freedom for further development of OrbTk when it comes to support different renderers. We are able to support

    • different versions of a given renderer
    • support different renderer for different target platforms
  • 2D rendering

    We need a fast and complete implementation of all rendering functions that are supported in the OrbTk toolkit. The following summary is a list of tiny-skia provided functions:

    • Pixmaps
    • Canvas
    • Path
    • geometry primitives
    • Blending modes
    • Path filling
    • Anti-aliased Path filling
    • Path stroking
    • Path hairline stroking
    • Anti-aliased Path hairline stroking
    • Stroke dashing
    • Gradients (linear and radial)
    • Pixmaps blending (image on image rendering)
    • Patterns
    • Fill rect
    • Stroke rect
    • Rectangular clipping
    • Clipping
    • Anti-aliased clipping
    • Analytical anti-aliased Path filling
    • Dithering
    • Blending modes

We are looking forward to a Rust native ecosystem that handles text rendering. This is a complex task and by the time of writing a complete library addressing this issue isn’t available. The Rust community has developed building blocks, like

  • Font parser: ttf-parser.
  • Text shaper: rustybuzz or all-sorts.
  • Font database: fontdb (supporting a font fallback mechanism).

The missing peace, beside the glue code to use the components inside orbtk_tinyskia is a high-quality glyph rasterization library. Preferably it will offer a FreeType level of quality. ab_glyph_rasterizer or fontdue might evolve to fill this gap.

Workspace orbtk_widgets

As a UI developer consuming OrbTk, you most probably will get in touch with the widget sub-crate. If you get comfortable with the terminology of views and their states, it’s quite easy to implement even complex structures. The GUI components are declarative and you will code them inside the view blocks. All callbacks that will handle the functional processing are coded inside the state blocks. User input (e.g. mouse events, keyboard input) as well as event handler generated feedback is handled and processed from methods of the associated state blocks.

The behavior modules are separated to handle specialized cases. If an event is emitted that belongs to a behavior class, the associated action is handled by a behavior method. In particular you will recognize modules for the following behaviors:

  • focus
  • mouse
  • selection
  • text


When you create a view block inside an OrbTk application, it is required to insert definitions that declare what elements are going to be present inside the user interface.

What is a View

If you take the Rust code that makes a view in a structural way, it will answer to the following questions:

  • Which entities are used?
  • What is the entities tree formed?
  • What attributes are coupled with the given entity?
  • What handlers should take care when a given event is emitted?

What is the code structure of a View

First, the inside the source code that takes your view needs to call the widget! macro. This macro automatically implements the Widget trait. When instantiated, it will inherit all default properties from a base widget, which gets you started with consistent preset values.

The syntax of this macro call will require you to select

  • the desired view-name (e.g: “NavigationView”)
  • optional: the name of the associated state-structure (e.g: “”)

If you like to assign property names inside the view, go ahead and introduce an extensible list of the property-variables. Each variable will take a name and define its associated type.

In a next step you enhance the Template trait with an implementation of your new widget. You are required to code a function called template. The syntax of this function will take the following arguments

  • self, the implementation of your view-name
  • the Id of the entity
  • the Context, as a mutual reference to the BuildContext

All the widget structures you are going to use inside of template will be coded as child’s of self.


When you create a state block inside an OrbTk application, it is required to define the structures you want to work on in the State implementation.

What is a State

The Rust code that makes a state is associated to the view block of your widget. Go and ask yourself:

  • What actions should be processed on a given event?
  • How should we handle user input?
  • What happens if an entity attribute is changed and gets dirty?

From a procedural point of view, states will provide methods that are processed depending of the event status inside the a widget.

graph TD;

Workflow 1-1: State handling methods

What is the structure of a State

First, inside the source code that takes your state, you will go and declare its structure name. This name corresponds to the parameter value you chose inside the widget! macro call of your widgets view (e.g “NavigationState”).

In a next step you enhance the State trait with an implementation of your state structure. Most probable, you create and adapt the following functions:

The cleanup function

This function is called as a destructor, when a widget is removed or your application terminates.

The init function

This function is called to initialize the widget state. You can preset attributes before the view is activated and presented to the user.

The message function

The message subsystem is offering methods to chain events, that can be interchanged and accessed from any defined state. You will code a message function to take advantage of this functionality.

The syntax of this function will take the following arguments

  • self, the implementation of your message function
  • the mutable messages variable, referencing the MessageReader
  • the Context, as a mutual reference to the BuildContext

As already explained, you should define an action enumeration, (e.g “NavigationAction”), that will code the values that are possible or desired (e.g “SaveSettings”, “LoadSettings”). Inside the message function you will loop through the messages and match the action values you are interested in.

The update function

Whenever the attribute of an entity is changed, OrbTk will render it dirty. The update function is taking care to react on any triggered dirty state. You will probably define an Action enumeration that will name and list all action states you are interested in. Now, if you match an action in the update function, you can react on this with all the Rust syntax flexibility.

The update_post_layout function

OrbTk will run this function after the rendering crate has processed the new layout for your view.

Workspace proc_macros

WIP: Precedural macros

Workspace utilities

WIP: OrbTk helper utilities

OrbTk Widget Templates

Within this sub-section we are going to collect and discuss the structure of officially provided OrbTk widget Templates. We hope to cover interesting aspects.

For each template type we do provide a simple reference application, that will show the features and functionality offered by the illustrated code. Take the in-lined comments and anchors as a tutorial on how to take advantage of the presented logic while including the widget inside your own OrbTk code. If we did well, you can concentrate on the parts we like to emphasize.

Inside the library, the collection of the annotated example code is filed in the sub-directory listings.

Template: Button

This subsection will describe an OrbTk UI element called Button.

The complete source that demonstrates this template element is presented in Listing 3-1. After a successful compile run, it should produce the attached screen-shot:

We did compile for a desktop target (Linux). And if you did clone the book source to your development system, the corresponding source-code examples can be found inside the listings sub-directory. To compile it yourself, first change into this directory


Next, use cargo to pipeline the compile and linking process. In the end the target binary will be executed. If you like to get a rendered output, that annotates the tree structure with respect to their bounds, please make use of the feature debug. This feature will draw blue boxes around any involved entities.

$ cargo run --features debug

Recap and annotation

The anatomy of this template

Let’s review the relevant parts of the widget_button application.

OrbTk code framing the app

As a first step, We put the needed OrbTk parts into scope.

use orbtk::{
        {colors, material_icons_font},

Next we do declare "str" constants to any involved id’s. This isn’t strictly necessary, but helps to identify the entities by meaningful names.

pub static ID_BUTTON_CONTAINER: &str = "ButtonContainer";
pub static ID_BUTTON_CHECK: &str = "ButtonCheck";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_HEADER: &str = "ButtonTextBlock Header";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_1: &str = "ButtonTextBlock 1";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_2: &str = "ButtonTextBlock 2";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_3: &str = "ButtonTextBlock 3";
pub static ID_BUTTON_ICONONLY: &str = "ButtonIcononly";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXTONLY: &str = "ButtonTextonly";
pub static ID_BUTTON_UNCHECK: &str = "ButtonUncheck";
pub static ID_BUTTON_STACK: &str = "ButtonStack";
pub static ID_BUTTON_STYLED: &str = "ButtonStyled";
pub static ID_BUTTON_VIEW: &str = "ButtonView";
pub static ID_WINDOW: &str = "button_Window";

The main function instantiates a new application, that makes use of the theme_default_dark and a re-sizable Window as its first children. For a deeper insight into this UI elements, please consult the relevant part in this book.

We will now focus our interest on the next part, where we do create a ButtonView as a child inside the Window entity.


The syntax advises the compiler, to implement a ButtonView for the Template trait. The widget!() macro relieves us to type out all the boiler plate stuff and takes care to create the needed code sugar.

// Represents a button widgets.
widget!(ButtonView {});

We do use a Container widget as a first child inside the template method. It allows us, to place a padding around the included children. Please refer to its documentation section for a deeper dive.

                    // padding definition:
                    // as touple clockwise (left, top, right, bottom)
                    .padding((36, 16, 36, 16))

The container will have a Stack child, that we do consume to attach multiple children in a horizontal direction. TextBlocks are used to render some header text above the Button children. This is the part of the code, that we are finally interested in.

OrbTk widget specific: Button

We are going to consume a button widget.

As any other template inside the widget tree of OrbTk, the template is rendered with a preset of sane property values. If you choose not to explicitly declare any property values inside the view code, the defaults coded in the template definition will be evaluated.

The following Class-Diagram presents the button internal widget tree, including its default property values:


Button --o MouseBehavior

MouseBehavior --o Container

Container --o Stack

Stack --o FontIconBlock
Stack --o TextBlock

Button : name["button"]
Button : style["button"]
Button : height[36.0]
Button : min_width[64.0]
Button : background[colors-LYNCH_COLOR]
Button : border_radius[4.0]
Button : border_width[0.0]
Button : border_brush["transparent"]
Button : padding['16.0, 0.0, 16.0, 0.0']
Button : foreground[colors-LINK_WATER_COLOR]
Button : text[]
Button : font_size[orbtk_fonts-FONT_SIZE_12]
Button : font["Roboto-Regular"]
Button : icon[]
Button : icon_font["MaterialIcons-Regular"]
Button : icon_size[orbtk_fonts-ICON_FONT_SIZE_12]
Button : icon_brush[colors-LINK_WATER_COLOR]
Button : pressed[false]
Button : spacing[8.0]
Button : container_margin[0]

MouseBehavior : pressed(id)
MouseBehavior : enabled(id)
MouseBehavior : target(id.0)

Container : background(id)
Container : border_radius(id)
Container : border_width(id)
Container : border_brush(id)
Container : padding(id)
Container : opacity(id)
Container : margin("container_margin", id)

Stack : orientation(horizontal)
Stack : spacing(id)
Stack : h_align(center)

FontIconBlock : icon(id)
FontIconBlock : icon_brush(id)
FontIconBlock : icon_font(id)
FontIconBlock : icon_size(id)
FontIconBlock : v_align("center")

TextBlock : font(id)
TextBlock : font_size(id)
TextBlock : foreground(id)
TextBlock : opacity(id)
TextBlock : text(id)
TextBlock : v_align("center")

Workflow 3-1: Button tree

The first button child hasn’t choosen an icon. Thus the rendered output will just present the text property.


The button hasn’t declared a “text” property. Thus the rendered output will just present the icon content.

                                    .on_enter(|_, _| {
                                        println!("Enter Button boundries");
                                    .on_leave(|_, _| {
                                        println!("Leave Button boundries");

Using a style method. Properties assingned via a theme definition take precedence over property definitons inside the view code.

                                    .text("From style")

Complete example source

Find attached the complete source code for our orbtk_widget_button example.

//! OrbTk-Book: Annotated widget listing

use orbtk::{
        {colors, material_icons_font},

pub static ID_BUTTON_CONTAINER: &str = "ButtonContainer";
pub static ID_BUTTON_CHECK: &str = "ButtonCheck";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_HEADER: &str = "ButtonTextBlock Header";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_1: &str = "ButtonTextBlock 1";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_2: &str = "ButtonTextBlock 2";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXT_BLOCK_3: &str = "ButtonTextBlock 3";
pub static ID_BUTTON_ICONONLY: &str = "ButtonIcononly";
pub static ID_BUTTON_TEXTONLY: &str = "ButtonTextonly";
pub static ID_BUTTON_UNCHECK: &str = "ButtonUncheck";
pub static ID_BUTTON_STACK: &str = "ButtonStack";
pub static ID_BUTTON_STYLED: &str = "ButtonStyled";
pub static ID_BUTTON_VIEW: &str = "ButtonView";
pub static ID_WINDOW: &str = "button_Window";

fn main() {
    // Asure correct initialization, if compiling as a web application

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Widget Button")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(260.0, 400.0)

// Represents a button widgets.
widget!(ButtonView {});

impl Template for ButtonView {
    fn template(self, _id: Entity, ctx: &mut BuildContext) -> Self {
                    // padding definition:
                    // as touple clockwise (left, top, right, bottom)
                    .padding((36, 16, 36, 16))
                                    // generic color names:
                                    // constants from crate `utils` -> colors.txt
                                    .text("Available button stylings")
                                    // generic color name : rgb value
                                    .text("Only Text")
                                    .text("Push me!")
                                    // theme color names:
                                    // constants from crate `orbtk_widgets`
                                    //  -> src/themes/themes_<theme_name>/
                                    .text("Only Icon")
                                    .on_enter(|_, _| {
                                        println!("Enter Button boundries");
                                    .on_leave(|_, _| {
                                        println!("Leave Button boundries");
                                    // theme color names:
                                    // constants from crate `orbtk_widgets`
                                    //  -> src/themes/themes_<theme_name>/
                                    .text("Icon and Text")
                                    .on_enter(|_, _| {
                                        println!("Enter Button boundries");
                                    .on_leave(|_, _| {
                                        println!("Leave Button boundries");
                                    .text("From style")

Listing 3-2: orbtk_widget_button - Available button styles.

Compiling and Running Are Separate Steps

The cargo compiled orbtk_widget_button binary will be placed in the target subfolder of the project.

$ cargo build --release --bin orbtk_widget_button
$ ../target/release/orbtk_widget_button

On Windows, you need to use backslash as a path delimiter:

> cargo build --release --bin orbtk_widget_button
> ..\target\release\orbtk_widget_button.exe

Template: Canvas

Template: CheckBox

Template: ComboBox

The following image visualize the structure elements of a ComboBox widget.

Image 03-04: Structure ComboBox widget

WIP: Explain the structure

Template: Container

Template: Cursor

Template: FontIconBlock

This subsection will describe an OrbTk UI element called FontIconBlock.

The complete source that demonstrates this template element is presented in Listing 7-1. After a successful compile run, it should produce a window analog to the attached screen-shot:

We did compile for a desktop target (Linux). And if you did clone the book source to your development system, the corresponding source-code examples can be found inside the listings sub-directory. To compile it yourself, first change into this directory


Next, use cargo to pipeline the compile and linking process. In the end the target binary will be executed. If you like to get a rendered output, that annotates the tree structure with respect to their bounds, please make use of the feature debug. This feature will draw blue boxes around any involved entities.

$ cargo run --features debug --bin orbtk_widget_font_icon_block

Recap and annotation

The anatomy of this template

Let’s review the relevant parts of the orbtk_widget_font_icon_block application.

OrbTk code framing the app

As a first step, We put the needed OrbTk parts into scope.

use orbtk::{
        {colors, material_icons_font},

Next we do declare "str" constants to any involved id’s. This isn’t strictly necessary, but helps to identify the entities by meaningful names.

pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_CONTAINER: &str = "FontIconBlockContainer";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_VIEW: &str = "FontIconBlockView";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_STACK: &str = "FontIconBlockStack";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_TEXT_BLOCK_HEADER: &str = "FontIconBlockTextBlockHeader";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_STYLED: &str = "FontIconBlockStyled";
pub static ID_WINDOW: &str = "FontIconBlock_Window";

The main function instantiates a new application, that makes use of the theme_default_dark and a re-sizable Window as its first children. For a deeper insight into this UI elements, please consult the relevant part in this book.

We will now focus our interest on the next part, where we do create a FontIconBlockView as a child inside the Window entity.


The syntax advises the compiler, to implement a FontIconBlockView for the Template trait. The widget!() macro relieves us to type out all the boiler plate stuff and takes care to create the needed code sugar.

// Represents a FontIconBlock widgets.
widget!(FontIconBlockView {});

We do use a Container widget as a first child inside the template method. It allows us, to place a padding around the included children. Please refer to its documentation section for a deeper dive.

                    // padding definition:
                    // as touple clockwise (left, top, right, bottom)
                    .padding((36, 16, 36, 16))

The container will have a Stack child, that we do consume to attach multiple children in a vertical direction. A TextBlock is used to render a header text above the FontIconBlock child. This is the part of the code, that we are finally interested in.

OrbTk widget specific: FontIconBlock

We are going to consume a font_icon_block widget.

As any other template inside the widget tree of OrbTk, the template is rendered with a preset of sane property values. If you choose not to explicitly declare any property values inside the view code, the defaults coded in the template definition will be evaluated.

The following Class-Diagram presents the font_icon_block internal widget tree, including its default property values:


Parent --o FontIconBlock


FontIconBlock : style("font-icon-block")
FontIconBlock : icon("")
FontIconBlock : icon_brush(colors->LINK_WATER_COLOR)
FontIconBlock : icon_font("MaterialIcons-Regular")
FontIconBlock : icon_size(orbtk_fonts->Icon_FONT_SIZE_12)

Workflow 7-1: FontIconBlock tree

If you uncomment the “.style()” property, all explicitly defined properties inside the view are rendered useless. The properties assingned via a theme definition take precedence over property definitons inside the view code.

                                    .icon_brush("repeating-linear-gradient(0.25turn, rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.6), dodgerblue, deepskyblue)")

Complete example source

Find attached the complete source code for our orbtk_widget_button example.

use orbtk::{
        {colors, material_icons_font},

pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_CONTAINER: &str = "FontIconBlockContainer";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_VIEW: &str = "FontIconBlockView";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_STACK: &str = "FontIconBlockStack";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_TEXT_BLOCK_HEADER: &str = "FontIconBlockTextBlockHeader";
pub static ID_FONT_ICON_BLOCK_STYLED: &str = "FontIconBlockStyled";
pub static ID_WINDOW: &str = "FontIconBlock_Window";

fn main() {
    // Asure correct initialization, if compiling as a web application

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Widget FontIconBlock")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(290.0, 200.0)

// Represents a FontIconBlock widgets.
widget!(FontIconBlockView {});

impl Template for FontIconBlockView {
    fn template(self, _id: Entity, ctx: &mut BuildContext) -> Self {
                    // padding definition:
                    // as touple clockwise (left, top, right, bottom)
                    .padding((36, 16, 36, 16))
                                    // generic color names:
                                    // constants from crate `utils` -> colors.txt
                                    .text("Font icon block")
                                    .icon_brush("repeating-linear-gradient(0.25turn, rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.6), dodgerblue, deepskyblue)")

Listing 7-2: orbtk_widget_button - Available button styles.

Compiling and Running Are Separate Steps

The cargo compiled orbtk_widget_font_icon_block binary will be placed in the target subfolder of the project.

$ cargo build --release --bin orbtk_widget_font_icon_block
$ ../target/release/orbtk_widget_font_icon_block

On Windows, you need to use backslash as a path delimiter:

> cargo build --release --bin orbtk_widget_font_icon_block
> ..\target\release\orbtk_widget_font_icon_block.exe

Template: Grid

Template: Image-widget

Template: ListView

Template: MasterDetail

Template: NumericBox

Template: Pager

Template: PasswordBox

Template: Popup

Template: ProgressBar

Template: ScrollBar

Template: ScrollIndicator

Template: ScrollViewer

Template: Slider

Template: Stack

Template: Switch

Template: TabWidget

Template: TextBlock

The following image visualize the structure elements of a TextBlock widget.

Image 03-24: Structure TextForm widget

WIP: Explain the structure

Template: TextBox

Template: Togglebutton

Template: Window

OrbTk Example Applications

This section provides OrbTk example apps. We hope to cover interesting aspects of the toolkit.

Take them as a tutorial, all listings are created as a reference. They have in mind to serve as an introduction to a specific topic. As educational content, this apps are marked with in-lined comments and anchors. If we did well, you can concentrate on the parts we like to emphasize.

Inside the library, you will find the collection of example code in the subdirectory examples in crate orbtk.

The showcase example serves a special purpose. It groups the available widgets of the orbtk_widgets crate. Thus it will present a collection of all available library templates, that you might consume and extend in your own real world applications.

Hello OrbTk!

We already introduced the source in Chapter 01. For the sake of completeness, and since its a habit to begin with here we go. Your first first experience with an OrbTk app:

The project root

Change to your project root directory. If you didn’t already create the app in the first place, go ahead and type the following in your console:

$ cd ~/orbtk-book/examples

Create the source code

Next we will use cargo to create the app. All boilerplate tasks are handled using cargo’s inherited template handling.

$ cargo new orbtk_hello
$ cd orbtk_hello

The first command, cargo new, takes the name of the project (“orbtk_hello”) as the first argument. The second command changes to the new project’s directory.

Look at the generated Cargo.toml file:

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "orbtk_hello_example"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at


Listing 1-1: Default metadata “orbtk_hello”

With cargo new, a default project structure is created. Maybe the author information is already exchanged if Cargo could obtain a definition from your environment. Cargo also generated source code for a “Hello, world!” program. Let’s Check out the corresponding src/ file:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Listing 1-2: Default source file “”

No need to compile that stage with cargo run, since we are going to exchange the project metadata, as well as the orbtk source code right away.

Update Cargo.toml

First reopen the Cargo.toml file and enter the Code in Listing 1-1 into Cargo.toml

Filename: Cargo.toml

name = "orbtk_hello"
version = "0.3.1-alpha4"
authors = [
	"Florian Blasius <>",
	"Ralf Zerres <>",
description = "The Orbital Widget Toolkit - Training project"
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
license = "MIT"
keywords = [
edition = "2018"

opt-level = 1

orbtk = { git = "", branch = "develop" }
#orbtk = { path = "../../../orbtk", branch="next" }

name = "orbtk_hello"
path = "src/"

Listing 1-1: Project metadata “orbtk_hello”

You may wonder, why the name property inside the Cargo.toml is formatted like hello_orbtk.

name = "orbtk_hello"

It is a good habit to follow rusts naming convention, that encourages you to use snake_case naming. While expanding the OrbTk example sources, we will keep the grouping prefix orbtk. That way we end up to call our first target binary orbtk_hello.


All of the OrbTk specific code that is needed to build our first example “Hello OrbTk!” is shown in Listing 1-2. It goes to src/

Filename: src/

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

Listing 1-2: Code that creates a Window and prints “Hey OrbTk!”

Save the file and go back to your terminal window. Enter the following commands to compile and run the file:

$ cargo run --release --example orbtk_hello

Regardless of your operating system, a window should be placed on the screen that prints the string Hey OrbTk! in its center.

Image 1-2: Application window and Hey OrbTk

If something is preventing to position the window, refer back to the

“Troubleshooting” part of the Installation section for ways to get help.

If you can see the rendered output of your Hey OrbTk! app on screen, congratulations! You’ve written your first OrbTk application. That makes you an OrbTk programmer — welcome!

Recap and annotation

The anatomy of an OrbTk application

Let’s review in detail what just happened in your “Hey OrbTk!” application. Here’s the first piece of the puzzle:

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

The first line is introducing a use declaration. A use declaration is used to shorten the path required to refer to rust module items. The prelude is a convenient way to a list of things, that rust will automatically import to you program. Here, we bind the path orbtk::prelude. All default items defined in this path (referenced with ::) are now accessible in your source using their shorthand name. No need to type in their common prefix (orbtk::prelude::)

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

the third line define a function in Rust. The main function is special: it is always the first code that runs in every executable Rust program. The first line declares a function named main that has no parameters and returns nothing. If there were parameters, they would go inside the parentheses, ().

Also, note that the function body is wrapped in curly brackets, {}. Rust requires these around all function bodies. It’s good style to place the opening curly bracket on the same line as the function declaration, adding one space in between.

An automatic formatter tool called rustfmt will help you to stick to a standard style across Rust projects. OrbTk is following this guidance. rustfmt will format your code in a particular style. Depending on the version of your rust toolchain, it is probably already installed on your computer! Check the online documentation for more details.

Inside the main function is the following code:

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

Here are some important details to notice.

  • First, Rust style is to indent with four spaces, not a tab.
  • Second, the method orbkt::initialize does all the hard work to initialize the orbtk environment.
use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")
  • Third, the method Application::new creates a new entity in the entity component system (DECS). DECS is an OrbTk dependency that will create and organize all OrbTk entities. If OrbTk methods change attributes to the widget elements, the corresponding DECS object will store this attributes as components to the given entity.

We’ll discuss OrbTk macros and methods in more detail in Chapter <WIP: chapter>. For now, you just need to know that using a ::new() means that you’re calling the creation method of a given widget (here: Application).

Let’s explain the next lines:

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

Inside the Application method, we pipe in further instructions. Please notice the important details:

  • First, Rust style is to indent with another four spaces, not a tab.
  • Second, The piping is encoded using a dot followed by a new method name (here window).
  • Third, the windows method takes a Rust closure as its argument.

If you are not familiar with the concept of closures, go ahead and consult the Rust book reference for a deep dive. For now, you just need to know that a closure can be used as a language shortcut for a function. When the closure |ctx| {} is executed, the result will be captured inside a return variable (ctx). The curly braces define the body, with the code that is executed inside the closure.

Let’s examine this body code of our closure:

  • First, we call a method to create a new window entity. (Windows::new).
  • Second, we define attributes attached to this entity (title, position, size).
  • Third, inside the defined windows, we create a new child entity (child).
use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")
  • Forth, the child method takes arguments. We create a new text block entity (Textblock::new). The text block is extended with the attributes (text, h_align, v_align). The text attribute takes the desired string. Its positioning is controlled with the attribution of the horizontal and vertical alignment. By choosing “center”, we do advise the renderer to place the entity centered within its parent entity, which is the window.
use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

OrbTk is as lazy as possible. We need to call the build method (build(ctx)), that will instantiate our methods and let the renderer do its work.

use orbtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // use this only if you want to run it as web application.

        .window(|ctx| {
                .title("OrbTk-Book - Chapter 1.2")
                .position((100.0, 100.0))
                .size(420.0, 140.0)
                        .text("Hey OrbTk!")

With the last statement, we finally call the method that will activate the Application and draw the Widget on our screen (run).

Most lines of Rust code are finalized with a semicolon (;), to indicates that this expression is finished and the next one is ready to begin.

Compiling and Running Are Separate Steps

Before running an OrbTk application, you must compile its source code. A typical OrbTk project will generate the executable binary code using cargo and place the result in the target subfolder of the project.

Profiles may be used to configure compiler options such as optimization levels and debug settings. By default the dev or test profiles are used. If the --release flag is given, then the release or bench profiles are used.

$ cargo build --release --bin
$ ../target/release/hello_orbtk

On Windows, you need to use backslash as a path delimiter:

> cargo build --release --bin
> ..\target\release\orbtk_hello.exe

If you like to get debug feedback you can call the build process like this

$ cargo build --features debug --bin

OrbTk Example Showcase

The showcase example serves a special purpose. It groups the available widgets of the orbtk_widgets crate.

You will find followin subsections:

  • Button / Text
  • Items
  • Layouts
  • Image
  • Localization
  • Navigation
  • Interactive

OrbTk Example Message-Handling

This is WIP.

Please document the example application

OrbTk Example Message-Handling

This is WIP

Please document the example application

OrbTk Example TableView

This is WIP and DRAFT.

Please cratre the example application

OrbTk Appendix

This is WIP

OrbTk Appendix - Keywords

This is WIP

OrbTk Appendix - Operators

This is WIP

OrbTk Appendix - Derivable Traits

This is WIP

Appendix D: Translations of the Book

For resources in languages other than English. This is work in progress; see the Translations label to help or let us know about a new translation!