The Ingredients

OrbTk provides an interactive functional reactive API. It depends on the rust DCES crate, that provides an Entity Component System. Interaction with DCES is managed via the Entity Component Manager(ECM), a wrapper API, that transparently maps OrbTk widgets to ECM entities and OrbTk properties to ECM components.

Widget view

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Workflow 1-1: View handling methods

When you construct an OrbTk application, you do essentially combine widgets. Widgets are the building blocks of user interfaces in OrbTk. They are declarative, which means they define the structure of an entity with associated components (its properties). Widgets are dedicated to a specific task and should provide all needed visual components inside your app that offers the ordered user interface (the widget-tree). Each widget-tree is stacked into a uniquely addressable widget-container.

Re-usability is a major demand in that area. To implement a useful UI element it is convenient to simple make up a tree of already available widgets that may consume any number of core widgets.

The given model is dynamically structured which offers you freedom:

  • consume any number of predefined library offered widgets type
  • implement your own, new, sophisticated widget type

Just to illustrate a simple case, where you need an FontIconBlock in your app. To make up such a widget-tree, you either construct a new widget MyFontsIconBlock, that instantiates a child Container, that itself instantiates a TextBox an a Button child. Or as an easy alternative, you take advantage of the library offered version FontIconBlock.

You will find the source code of available library widgets inside workspace orbtk_widgets.

Widget trait

Each widget need to implement the Widget trait. It is generated by the widget!() macro.

A widget consists of a name (eg. Button) that is bound to a list of properties (eg. text: String, background: Brush or count: u32). When the build() method of a widget is called inside the widget-tree, that widget is added to the Entity Component System with a unique Entity (index) that holds corresponding Components (property names). The struct of the widget-container serves as its builder pattern.

Widget Template

Each widget has to implement the Template trait. The template defines the default values of all assigned widget’s properties as well as its structure. E.g. a Button consists of a Container widget, a StackPanel widget and a TextBox widget.

Separating the view as the descriptive nature of a widget tree from the code that reacts and handles user input (it’s state), is an essential conceptual decision. It is key to enable the fast, flexible and extendable structure of OrbTk.

Widget state

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Workflow 1-2: State handling methods

Widgets make use of traits, that come in handy to provide interactivity. We call them the widget state. Inside the state routines, we declare the processing and controlling code dedicated to a given task.

It is not required to define a state for a widget. But if you don’t, you cut of the possibility to adapt properties during runtime. The view of the widget will stay static.

When defining a state of a widget, it inherits the values of its associated properties (current values), as well as the implemented system. To gain access, each state has to derive or implement the Default and the AsAny traits. You are free to implement associated functions to the state, that react on triggered events or adapt current values. The properties are stored via ECM. They are organized in a tree (parent, children or level entities).


While widgets define and organize the data structure of an OrbTk app, systems take care to handle the behavior on how to manipulate the data.

  • Layouts
  • Events
  • Behaviors
  • Messages


Layouts are addressing the problem, that each widget inside the UI needs individual placement. This requires a dynamic calculation of its space requirements coupled with is target specific positioning when interacting with the display device.

Why do we need layouts?

Well, lets take an obvious example that meets every modern application: You have to support multiple language variants! Changing the selected localization should be possible at runtime. We do expect, that each needed idiom inside our application will for sure differ in their label length, as well as the sizes of used glyphs in the selected fonts. What would happen, if we would size the entities statically? We would code e.g a button with a given size. How to react on content changes of its child entity (e.g. a label that is expected to be centered inside the button frame)?

Pugh, you as the programmer would need to adapt the GUI views for every supported language and react on pragmatically on any of this size changes. A nightmare! This is nonsense. We have to define and render the stuff the other way around!

Our solution

OrbTk uses a layout system. This system support the ability to determine the natural size of the content elements. It allows a dynamic approach to layout all entities inside the toolkit. No matter if the application logic requires to add or subdivide other entities inside the widget tree. Or if contents is changed through theme adaption or user interaction: all involved entities are processed and resized as needed, respecting their individual constraints.

Constraints are defined via entity properties that are stored as components inside the DCES. The concept follows a two phase model. It will process the entity tree in two passes:

  • Measuring pass
  • Arrangement pass

This is the reason, we call it a functional_reactive Toolkit.


The Measuring pass allows us to determine the desired size of a boxed entity. A desired size is a structure, that holds the maximum values for the width and height of the entity in question. This values are stored inside DCES. If computation recognizes a size change of the desired size, which means the stored and the current value of its property differs, the dirty flag is set. The measuring will result in an update of the associated bound values inside the DECS entity (structure desired size).


The Arrangement is following in a separate run. It will trigger the 2D rendering task. This task walks down the element tree and consume the bounds of each entry. A bound describes the finalized alignment position of an entity (height, width) and is stored inside the DCES. Computation tasks are only triggered, if the values of a tree element have changed, which will be indicated via the dirty flag. All referenced elements that are affected by this changed values need to be rearranged. Their positions are recomputed with the appropriate values inside the render buffer, since the active state was marked dirty.

After the arrangement pass, the dirty flag is cleaned, which will omit any further computational needs. Once the state of an entity is marked as dirty again, the pass runs are triggered as desired.

Layout Methods

OrbTk supports a number of dedicated layout methods, that are designed to handle the specific demands of a given widget type:

  • Absolute
  • Fixed size
  • Grid
  • Padding
  • Popup
  • Stack

You can find the relevant code inside the orbtk_core workspace. The methods are inside the sub-directory layout. Further information towards this methods are discussed in Chapter: Orbtk_core.


  • bottom-up

If the events traverse from a leaf entity up to the root entity.

  • top-down

If the events traverse from the root entity down to the leaf entities.


Specialized event handling methods are available to reacts on signals. These currently include the event classes

  • Mouse behaviors
  • Selection behaviors
  • Text behaviors

Signals may be fired from ether input devices (e.g. mouse, keyboard) or inside the functional logic (e.g. changing focus, text, etc).


An intelligent messaging infrastructure that instantiates subs. The concept enables the toolkit to send and receive messages between the linked entities (m senders -> n receivers). The implemented methods are thread save.

Each widget may implement a message Method in its state code. The devoloper is free which method adapters he/she likes to incorpoerate and how to process the encountered messages.

Framework Elements

The elements are organised as sub-modules inside the API sub-tree.